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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - recorder


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Перевод с английского языка recorder на русский

1) записывающее устройство 2) отметчик 3) рекордер 4) самописец airborne profile recorder — самолетный профилограф cassete tape recorder — кассетный накопитель cassette tape recorder — кассетный магнитофон hydrometric profile recorder — гидрометрический профилограф magnetic disk recorder — магнитофон на дисках mono tape recorder — монофонический магнитофон multiple point recorder — многоточечный самописец open-reel tape recorder — шпульный магнитофон transmission level recorder — самопишущий измеритель уровня video tape recorder — фото видеомагнитофон - air distance recorder - airborne recorder - airspeed recorder - altitude recorder - analog recorder - buzzer recorder - chart recorder - circular-chart recorder - convergence recorder - course recorder - density recorder - depth recorder - differential-pressure recorder - direct-writing recorder - drum recorder - graphic recorder - magnetic recorder - multipen recorder - phonograph recorder - potentiometric recorder - printing recorder - recorder chart - recorder scale - recorder track - servo-operated recorder - sound recorder - strip-chart recorder - tape recorder - train recorder - videodisk recorder
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См. в других словарях

  записывающее устройство, самописец – chart recorder – plankton recorder – single-channel recorder – thermal recorder ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. тех. самопишущий или регистрирующий прибор, самописец altitude recorder —- барограф, высотомер-самописец высоты 2. звукозаписывающий аппарат; магнитофон 3. протоколист; регистратор 4. архивариус 5. юр. рекордер (председательствующий на сессии коронного суда в Англии) 6. ист. муз. блок-флейта ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) регистратор; протоколист; учетчик  2) рекордер (мировой судья с юрисдикцией по уголовным и гражданским делам в городах и городках)  3) tech. регистрирующий, самопишущий прибор  4) род старинной флейты  5) cin. звукозаписывающий аппарат ...
Англо-русский словарь
  самописец batch recorder discharge recorder potentiometric recorder stage recorder water level recorder ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) устройство записи; регистрирующее устройство, регистратор 2) рекордер 3) самопишущий прибор, самописец 4) полигр. наборно-кодирующий аппарат - aircraft recorder - analog data recorder - analog recorder - audio recorder - audio magnetic recorder - automatic recorder - automatic cloud-amount recorder - automatic water-stage recorder - cartridge recorder - casette video tape recorder - chart recorder - cloud-base recorder - cockpit voice recorder - color-under video tape recorder - combination camera recorder - compass data recorder - component digital video tape recorder - consumer recorder - continuous recorder - continuous-field video tape recorder - course recorder - data recorder - demand recorder - depth recorder - deviation recorder - digital audio recorder - digital video tape recorder - disk recorder - disturbance recorder - drilling recorder - drill-time recorder - editing video tape recorder - electromechanical recorder - endless loop recorder - event recorder - facsimile recorder - film recorder - flat-bed recorder - flight recorder - flight data recorder - flight test recorder - float-level recorder - flow recorder - four-head video tape recorder - four-head recorder - gamma-ray thickness recorder - heading recorder - helical-scan video tape recorder - helical video tape recorder - heterodyne video tape recorder - horizontal-drum recorder - instrumentation recorder - ionospheric recorder - level recorder - lightning recorder - lightning-stroke recorder - log recorder - magnetic recorder - magnetic-tape recorder - maintenance recorder - mastering video tape recorder - master video tape recorder - mechanical recorder - mechanical strain recorder - microfilm recorder - mileage recorder - monitor recorder - motion recorder - multicassette video tape recorder - multichannel recorder - multiple-trace recorder - multipoint recorder - multitrack audio tape recorder - nonsegmented video tape recorder - optical recorder - pen...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 an apparatus for recording, esp. a tape recorder. 2 a a keeper of records. b a person who makes an official record. 3 Brit. a a barrister or solicitor of at least ten years' standing, appointed to serve as a part-time judge. b hist. a judge in certain courts. 4 Mus. a woodwind instrument like a flute but blown through the end and having a more hollow tone. Derivatives recordership n. (in sense 3). Etymology: ME f. AF recordour, OF recordeur & f. RECORD (in obs. sense 'practise a tune') ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. the chief judicial magistrate of some British cities and boroughs  b. a municipal judge with criminal jurisdiction of first instance and sometimes limited civil jurisdiction  2. one that records  3. any of a group of wind instruments ranging from soprano to bass that are characterized by a conical tube, a whistle mouthpiece, and eight finger holes ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (recorders) 1. You can refer to a cassette recorder, a tape recorder, or a video recorder as a recorder. Rodney put the recorder on the desk top and pushed the play button. N-COUNT see also cassette recorder, tape recorder, video recorder 2. A recorder is a wooden or plastic musical instrument in the shape of a pipe. You play the recorder by blowing into the top of it and covering and uncovering the holes with your fingers. N-VAR: oft the N 3. A recorder is a machine or instrument that keeps a record of something, for example in an experiment or on a vehicle. Data recorders also pin-point mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times. N-COUNT see also flight recorder ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 cassette recorder/tape recorder/video recorder etc a piece of electrical equipment that records music, films etc 2 a simple musical instrument that you play by blowing straight down it 3 a judge in a city court, in some areas of Britain and the US ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - "chief legal officer of a city," 1415, from Anglo-Fr. recordour, O.Fr. recordeor, from M.L. recordator, from L. recordari "remember." The musical instrument is early 15c., from record (v.) in the obsolete sense of "practice a tune." The name, and the thing, were rarely heard by mid-1800s, ousted by the flute, but enjoyed a revival after 1911 as an easy-to-play instrument for musical beginners. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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